ECIP 1064: Communicating with 3rd parties Source

AuthorDean Pappas
Discussions-ToCommunity Discord


A process for communicating high priority updates and events to 3rd parties


One of the biggest issues for coordinated decentralized network upgrades (ie hard fork) is disseminating this information to 3rd parties. As it stands, multiple entities can be contacting 3rd party organizations as “official” representatives, recommending different clients and actions, or even publishing conflicting information that can lead to centralization, network splitting, and other systemic issues caused by this lack of coordination.

There can also be new processes that come out as a result of this, ie a “safe list” of 3rd party organizations. It is not the purpose of this ECIP to outline these.


This process is comprised of 3 parts

1) Representative Selection 2) Message Construction 3) Channels

Representative Selection

Each Client (geth/multigeth/parity/mantis) should have 1 representative selected to help in the outreach process. In addition, there should be 2 representatives voted by the Client representatives that are unaffiliated with any of the Clients.

This selection happens during Final Call of Hard Fork Meta ECIP or when a “Black Swan” event occurs.

Examples of “Black Swan” events are:

  • 51% attack
  • SHA256 breaking

For example, at the Final Call of Atlantis, the following representatives are selected:

  1. Geth – Christian
  2. Multigeth – Yaz
  3. Parity – Wei
  4. Mantis – Kevin
  5. Community 1 – Donald
  6. Community 2 – Roy

Message Construction

The author for the message will be assigned to one of the unaffiliated representatives. There will also be a send date agreed upon. The recommended send date for a Hard Fork is 6 weeks, and immediately for a “Black Swan” event. The draft will be submitted to the representatives no later than 1 week before the send date.

Example Message: Initial Communications Setup

Hi [Contact Name]

I wanted to reach out and setup a technical contact at [Org] for Ethereum Classic. We are gearing up for our Atlantis Hardfork and want to ensure a smooth upgrade with all of our [OrgType] partners. 

I’ll be sending you the official announcement details within the next couple of weeks, but I wanted to make sure this is your best contact detail and see if there is anyone else on your team that needs to be involved.

Looking forward to our continued work together and a successful hard fork!


A channel is defined as a contact name and contact medium, with a very high likelihood of response within 48 hours.

2 spreadsheets are required: Contact List and Update Status

Contact List: the official communications channels for all 3rd parties. This must remain semi-private to protect 3rd parties from spam. The entries are updated by the last contact to have a successful response from the Organization.

The suggested spreadsheet format

Org | OrgType | Contact Name | Contact Medium | Last Contact | Last Contact By


  • Exchange
  • Miner
  • Node
  • Wallet
  • Publication

Example entry

  • F2Pool Miner Thomas Wechat - @thomasf2pool 7/30/2019 Community 1 – Donald
  • Coinbase Exchange Bill Email – [email protected] 7/25/2019 Mantis – Kevin
  • Coineal Exchange None None 7/20/2019 ETCCoop - Yaz

Update Status: a temporary spreadsheet used to coordinate communications for a specific update/event

The suggested spreadsheet format

Org | Rep 1 | Rep 2 | Status

Status Types

  • Complete: acknowledged receipt of the communication
  • InProgress1: 1st 2 weeks of attempts, handled by Rep 1
  • InProgress2: 2nd 2 weeks of attempts, handled by Rep 2
  • Failed: no response after 4 weeks of attempts

Example entry

  • F2Pool Community 1 – Donald Geth – Christian Complete
  • Coinbase Mantis – Kevin Community 2 – Roy InProgress1

Channel Use

After message construction, a “Update Status” spreadsheet is created. Each Representative fills in their name under Rep1 for every “Org” they are the “Last Contact By”. Rep 2 is assigned by Rep1 or done on a volunteer basis, whichever occurs first.

Outreach begins using the last established channel and Status becomes InProgress1. During this phase, outreach can extend to different mediums if there is no response within the 1st week. At the end of the 2nd week, if there is no successful response, status moves to InProgress2 and Rep2 begins outreach process, following the same protocol. After 4 weeks of attempts with no response, the status is set to Failed and the “Contact List” entry is updated to “No Contact” and “Last Contact” is set to last attempt date and “Contact By” is set to Rep2.

Every outreach will include another representative


  • Email: cc’ing another Rep
  • WeChat: group chat
  • Ticket: cc’ing and including another Rep’s contact details in the submission

Successful responses are marked as “Success” in the “Update Status” sheet and the “Contact List” is updated.

Channel Maintenance

To prevent out of date information in the contact list, the contacts will be refreshed with a generic outreach every month. This outreach will be handled by the last Contact By on the contact list. Adding new contacts would organically occur and there is no need to remove old ones.


The first iteration of this process is the most difficult, as the Contact List is being formed from scratch.

Representatives are selected once this ECIP is accepted

Once a message has been constructed, the steps would emulate the normal process. Any existing contact list can act as a starting point, with the Representatives filling in information to the best of their abilities.